Jonathan Miller on Church Repentance
Jonathan Miller on Church Repentance

After 22 yrs of ministry, my work is now dedicated to speaking love and truth to the toxic Evangelical church in America. Christian Nationalism is a sin. Trumpism is a betrayal of Jesus Christ. These are not new crises but symptoms of a Christian church that is not rooted in love, but rather judgment and cruelty. The church is doing the work of God, for God, without God. It is heartbreaking.

As a Pastor at The Vine in Sacramento, former Teen Challenge Director, Seminary graduate, writer, I am launching a series of articles, videos and podcasts under the title "Church Repentance" seeking to confront and reform a church that simply does not embody the love of Jesus Christ to all people.

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Jonathan Miller on Church Repentance

Jonathan Miller on Church Repentance

Father. Husband. Jesus Follower. Pastor The Vine Sacramento. Founder of Teen Challenge Northland. Writer. Occasional Theologian. Grieved by Christianity.